Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Get more Twitter Followers for free

Twitter is probably the biggest Internet phenomenon, which we have seen in a while. Everyone to use in those days. Affiliate marketers use to promote its offerings. Companies use to sell products and services. Webmasters and bloggers are used to drive traffic to their websites. Call it what you want.
But there are people making money with their accounts directly through Twitter tweeting sponsored messages.
Now you can do the same thing. The only detail is that you need to be a decent amount of followers to your account. The mere followers of the 200 or 300 will not diminish.
Thinking about this problem started to develop a new product a few months ago, and this week I finally launching it. A site called, and it has a complete set of tools for those who want to get more targeted than Twitter followers. Here is what is listed on the membership:

* Multiple account management: You can add many Twitter accounts as you like to Twitfever.
* Follow the Profile tool: This tool is the full and complete version for you to follow friends or followers of a specific Twitter user.
* Follow the Keyword Tool: This tool is the full version you follow a comprehensive users who have recently included a particular keyword in Twite].
* Follow a tool for cars: the full version of this tool you automatically follow all the Twitter users who are following you.
* Mass unfollowed tool: This tool is a complete copy unfollowed you for all of the users that you are following, or those who are not after you came back. It is useful to maintain a balanced profile.
* Auto Tweet tool: a one-time possible, and will quote the famous publishing tool, an interesting fact or funny joke (or all three) on your Twitter account once a day.
* Retweet Retweet Club Crescent Club has the goal of helping Member States to get more Twitfever retweets.
* Statistics: You will be able to track and detailed statistics for each of your accounts Twitter.
As you can see some of the tools is a totally unique and you will not find anywhere else on the network. 10 people have been beta testing the product for a few weeks, and almost all of them were very happy with the results.
If you're looking to get more Twitter followers, therefore, go to the and check it out.

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